Small Business Revolution

After five seasons helping small-town America revitalize its Main Street businesses, Small Business Revolution brought its signature marketing makeovers home to Minneapolis, where six dynamic Black-owned businesses take their game to the next level.
From the 87-years-running daily newspaper just four blocks away from George Floyd Square, to the barbershop owner whose Modern Gentlemen’s Code of Ethics inspires customers to be a force for good, SBR’s final season is a brave, exciting and poignant celebration. NBA legend Baron Davis joins Amanda Brinkman and her team of tech and retail experts, who coach these young businesses – and learn some lessons of their own.
I was Executive Producer for all six seasons of the twice Emmy-nominated show.
Amanda and her team learn how highways and urban renewal tore Minneapolis’ Black community apart, and discover some unintended consequences of desegregation.
Lip Esteem
Amanda gets pushback on a logo revision, and the team is faced with a poignant reckoning.
Access to Capital
Urban Lights
Each episode kicks off at Urban Lights Music, where DJ Tim Wilson accompanies a Twin Cities poet.
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An uncensored discussion between four Minneapolis artists touched by a domestic scene portrayed in a controversial dollhouse in the museum’s collection. Produced in partnership with the Minneapolis Institute of Art.