College Presidents for Civic Preparedness

A national civic foundation who needs a dynamic website for its innovative collegiate initiative.

College Presidents for Civic Preparedness is an emerging movement of university leadership committed to principles of free inquiry and civic discourse on college campuses. Organized around a set of clearly articulated Civic Commitments drafted by its founding members, the consortium aims to prepare students for meaningful participation in our democratic society. Convened in 2023 by Washington DC-based foundation Institute for Citizens & Scholars, the organization has quickly grown to comprise over sixty colleges and universities, including Duke, Howard, Cornell, and Sarah Lawrence.

To demonstrate its long-term commitment as the consortium’s host organization, the Foundation created a distinct identity for College Presidents for Civic Preparedness and set out to develop a freestanding website. Since launch we’ve created curriculum and program videos, and I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing numerous academics from its member institutions.