In the studio with Nancy Wilson and Eric Tessmer

Rock legend Nancy Wilson discovered Austin-based guitar hero Eric Tessmer when he was shared the bill with Heart at a private concert. When I learned the two had since been discussing a collaboration, I invited her down to my Austin studio for a weekend session with me and Eric.

We chose three cover tunes to record, including this unlikely home run, Elbow's Grounds for Divorce (thank you Neville Farmer for the idea). Director Matt Hirst shadowed us and cut together this fantastic video. It takes you behind the scenes as we workshop the arrangement, record the track, and reflect on the process. I had a blast producing, and it was an honor getting to know this iconic powerhouse.


Nancy with my 1965 Gibson J-50


Eric Tessmer


Chris Maresh


Drummer Ramy Antoun, founder of A&F DrumCo


That's me on the spinet


An aha moment, perhaps